
How Much Water to Drink for Weight Loss

How much water to drink for weight loss? Or how much water should I drink for weight loss?

Weight loss needs a consistent commitment to your regular regime. Eat better, workout more, grab 6-8 hours of sleep, and yes, drink loads of water. So, let us talk about how much water to drink for weight loss.

Does drinking water help you lose weight?

Yes, yes, yes!

Drinking water for weight loss is undoubtedly the coolest tool you can use to lose weight. It’s free of calories, kills your desire for food and supports your body burn those extra calories. Drinking water for weight loss may not just help you lose those unwanted pounds. In fact, water is also an indispensable component for keeping your tissues working.

Are there any benefits of drinking water for weight loss? Or is it just a myth?

Nope! Drinking water for weight loss is not a myth! In fact, the benefits of drinking water for weight loss are bliss!

Our body is made up of 50-75% of water. It is accountable for a multitude of functions:

  • Regulates body temperature
  • Supports digestion
  • Recovers mood
  • Decreases muscle weariness while exercising
  • Lubricates joints
  • Flushes toxins from the system
  • Keeps organs healthy by helping you perspire
  • Oh, and it boosts your METABOLISM. So, if you were still wondering if “drinking water to lose weight fast” is a myth or reality. Your answer is right here – an unambiguous “INDEED!”  Water can indeed help you lose those stubborn pounds.

How much water to drink for weight loss?

So, now let us get to the central question – how much water should I drink for weight loss?

Without a doubt, drinking water for weight loss is an incredible method to shed those extra pounds. But how do you figure out how much water to drink for weight loss so that you can get those pounds start melting off?

Wondering “how much water should I drink for weight loss?”  Well, calculating how much water to drink for weight loss needs a little understanding of mathematics. But no worries! We are here to help you out!

See, your suggested daily water intake is contingent on quite a few factors:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Weight
  • Health
  • Level of physical activity
  • Foods eaten
  • Medications taken
  • Weather

So, to make things easier for you, we have cut down and calculated the whole enchilada, and here we are with everything you need to know. By and large, an individual needs to drink eight glass of water each day to stay hydrated where one glass equals to 8 ounces. Though, if you are overweight or work out briskly, the amount of water to drink to lose weight will increase.

So, to take back to first principles, we have compiled the whole thing into three cases in point. Read on to know how much water to drink for weight loss.

How much water to drink for weight loss if you are an average person?

If you are just an average person and is in the quest of dropping a few pounds, you must stick to the suggested amount of eight-ounce glasses (overall 64 ounces). It is just the perfect amount of water to drink to lose weight.

Moreover, allow your thirst or dehydration to be the guide for your need for liquids. If after drinking 64 ounces all through the day, you still feel dehydrated, regulate your intake given that. Similarly, if you feel satisfied with your consumption, don’t overdo it.

Dredge up that drinking a lot of water might lead to hyponatremia or water intoxication. In this condition, body’s sodium levels turn out to be excessively watery and may lead to seizures, swelling in the brain, or coma.

How much water to drink for weight loss if you’re a workout junkie?

All right, now how much water should I drink for weight loss if I’m a sportsperson or a gymnast or a weightlifter?

Of course, on these terms, you’d need a lot more water than that typical 64 ounces. After all, that severe sweating session may perhaps drain your body of appropriate hydration. Isn’t it?

So, here’s the analysis for you! The American College of Sports Medicine mentions that you should drink at least 16 ounces of water before you work out. It furthermore conveys that you need to drink 4-8 ounces all through the exercising period, and an additional 16 ounces after the workout. Weigh yourself up before the physical training and check how much weight you lose. Consume 16 ounces well along for each pound you lose.

How much water to drink for weight loss if you’re heavy or obese?

Now, how much water should I drink for weight loss if I’m obese, overweight or heavy?

Well, without doubt, your water needs are entirely different from the rest.  To be sure, you need to drink extra water to stay well hydrated and support your weight loss.  Most likely, how much water to drink for weight loss is a simple mathematical calculation. See, when it comes to the ounces of water you need to drink, you must consume half of your body weight.

For instance, if you weigh 200 pounds, you must drink about 100 ounces of water each day.

According to a study conducted by Annals of Family Medicine, people with higher Body Mass Index are the least hydrated. To boot, the research advocates that water is an indispensable nutrient and plays a huge role in weight loss as the food and workout do.

Over and above, don’t forget to consult your doctor to help you decide how much water to drink for weight loss or general health.

Best way to drink water for weight loss

So now, you know the benefits of drinking water for weight loss, right? Drinking water for weight loss may also keep your body hydrated, boost muscle power, keep your organs moist and support the delivery of nutrients as well. But then, how to drink more water to lose weight?

Here we are sharing the best way to drink water for weight loss? So go on and catch a glimpse of it too!

  • Drink infused water as it is the easiest way to grow your water intake. This InstaCuppa Fruit Infuser Pitcher would help you create an infused water recipe with no trouble. This water pitcher is dishwasher safe and turns out to be an excellent table-ready pitcher to serve the infused flavored waters.
  • You can track the amount of water you drink by using Daily Water – Drink Tracker and Reminder. Indeed, this app reminds you to drink water at appropriate periods. How? It tracks the amount of your water intake on the basis of your body weight. Daily Water suggests you the quantity of water you must drink to stay hydrated. Just turn the notifications on and get the regular reminders on steady breaks.
  • You can furthermore flavor your plain water by adding fruit extracts or essence. Butler Sodamaker may help you turn your regular drinking water into sparkling bubbly soda in a matter of seconds!

So, stay slim and look awesome with WATER, because it’s possible!

Yay! So now, you know how much water to drink for weight loss, right? Now, turning towards your water filter or refrigerator can comfort you in meeting your weight-loss goals. Loading your gut with water is a cool and effortless way to cut your need to eat. Drinking the perfect amount of water all through the day may control your desire for food, assisting you to eat less and as a result, support you in your weight-loss pains.  But hey! Make sure you have a toilet nearby all the time as you’ll be peeing a lot.

How much water do you drink for weight loss? I’d be happy to hear your account in the comments below!

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